in a day “16” Ash from the replacement of beliefs Hindering life is discussed as much as a belief mesh forget Elly true mistake – والتعريف بأسباب عدم القدرة على مسامحة الآخرين وكذلك
in a day “18” من أربعينية إستبدال المعتقدات المعيقة بالحياة يتم إستبدال معتقد الخوف من فقد تقدير الآخرين من خلال إدراك كيفية تكون هذا المعتقد ، أسبابه وآثاره
in a day “19” Ash from the replacement of beliefs Hindering life is replaced by fear of belief it has been appreciated by others through the practical application.
in a day “21” Ash from the replacement of beliefs Hindering life are starting beliefs Hindering health and discuss the belief of chronic diseases can not be cured .
in a day “23” Ash from the replacement of beliefs Hindering life are replaced by belief obstructionist “Eating causes weight gain” By recognizing the true underlying cause of weight gain.
in a day “24” Ash from the replacement of beliefs Hindering life are discussed your relationship with your body and the impact of this relationship and the reflection on your life.
in a day “25” Ash from the replacement of beliefs Hindering life are discussed belief I Bhtm and my body to recognize the extent of the truth of this belief.