Stages of tolerance
Intention - Decision
Stage in de heart Beachd decision that forgive and pardon To let go
And mesh to expect any Ntaiz only the determination and intention to forgive the person Dah .. Duration may be lengthened or shortened Mtstjlh sincere
Htlahz where the aids, support signals Ktarh Ptgelk Ashan help them tolerance and the idea of the Post Dah means possible shelter will be in phase de Now you .. Absher ^ _ ^ '
All you are required where you receive / You receive all the support that comes, but I receive and know that it is no more than this.
Remembering - Pain - Choking Remembering - Suffering & pain
Stage in de Btaatkalp you all the painful memories of the person Elly decided you forgiveness / Each wrench Bfkr tolerance and all the pangs I felt omitted and Ptaischha again as if Lessa holds days even if they were from years !!
You are required to allow all the feelings and memories de she graduated and show yourself Matkpthash Plump and Ahtwea and finished the way Elly shipments Trag I used to write in the dump all Ahnaty wrote, tears and pain accompany me while I write ....
All allowed feelings of de she graduated all phase passed faster de mesh is required from you that you are issued judgments on yourself or the person Elly decided forgiveness all you are required you Ttabtab yourself and ripened them and allow the feelings to get out in any way de type Trag .. Walk Kteer .. Talk to someone you trust, the important thing is that you bring out these feelings.
The stage of salvation - healing - release - healing
De wonders where hard Btaatvaji Bhjat and feelings of energy and the light of the stage you imagine Mcnch / Ttejelleha.
Between me and you is difficult to translate words de moments but possible speak about some feelings Elly I felt omitted .. I felt that my heart really Batakecr as if it was a solid layer was Mgttiyah then came out of it contaminated liquid was like a pus wound was present period ... Grocery
Pths that pain Bejrj you really and your tears and Bkaik at the heart of your heart Ui tears de Bs time forgiveness I am and I felt Leptis books message of forgiveness .. You Btaatvaji does not only Ptghafr and pardoning and tolerance ups are not Dah You Btaatdhara Lord of the Worlds that he forgives him and wash the hearts of all human beings in terms of the person Dah .. Imagine?!!
I know that it is not an easy process of “forgiveness”, but after you go through it, your heart is reborn, and it becomes a pure heart from the negative effects of the situations we live in. You know / Then know your soul takes place her release Petrtqy are disturbed supremely, near, and the launch of the light of your soul and your heart Byagmur Congratulations to you.
Subconscious Re-programming Phase
After the end of the forgiveness process, anger or rejection may appear from the subconscious mind, which still carries the previous programming about the person you forgave, and this rejection may appear in the form of dreams during sleep, or when you meet this person again, then the old programming appears immediately “This person hurt you and caused you.” In the wound and pain” … medicine and the solution??
The solution is to reprogram the subconscious .. How does it happen??
Before we know what happens, let us have a quick idea of what the subconscious is simply if we like to compare it to an example as Thom Bond mentioned, the owner of the idea of the compassion course is like a robot..
De programming ?? that happen how to get the
Any idea of feeling accompanied by equal to new programming .
Example : I am falling short / Falling short into sin needs + A feeling of inferiority = programming not to maturity.
Then the unconscious mind Binfz not immediately maturity in your life means that any need sweet or Petkml mesh encountered in any way Ptboz.
Solution ?? Is re-programming and come Ncov Kasai
You're on the level of logic Btantqy excuses for someone Dah be convinced omitted in addition to the feelings Fla empathy with him.
Example : Managers actually was compressed from each hand, and he was Hasses threatened with the loss of the project + Feelings of sympathy with him and with feelings Elly he was omitted Hasses time emotionalism position.
After you have selected the appropriate formula Tani Elly you really convinced and Hacsha omitted Ptptdy repeated and you say to yourself very much prefer the first thing Tsahy sleep or before bedtime only this
And you are forgiven and hard-forgiven and forgiven and won wash your heart and your soul and elevate the safety of yourself and your mind Congratulations to you.